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Welcome to the official LinkedIn company page of Safeblock. As page administrators, we invite and encourage you to post comments, photos, videos and links on any update we post on our page. At the same time, we are obligated to inform you that we reserve the right to remove and delete any offensive or unsuitable content we may come across. 


The aforementioned community guidelines we ask you to follow ensure the best possible experience for the followers of our company page. The sole purpose of our company page is to inform and educate our followers, as well as share news, trends and opinions that revolve around the compressed air industry. 


Comments that include any of the following items are not constructive to dialogue and may be deleted from our company page: 

  • If your posts include profanity, defamatory, offensive, abusive, discriminatory or demeaning content.  
  • If your posts contain hateful language targeting race/ethnicity, age, colour, creed, religion, gender, sexual preference or orientation, nationality or political beliefs.  
  • If your posts have references to criminal or illegal activity.  
  • If your posts violate an individuals copyright or intellectual property.  
  • If your posts are excessively repetitive or disruptive to the community (spammy content).  
  • If your posts do not follow LinkedIn's User Agreement.  


Any potential comments posted by followers of Safeblock's LinkedIn company page do not necessarily reflect the views & values of the company itself.